current projects
Current projects
1)Women Empowerment Through Food Security Project.
2)Livelihoods Enhancement for Rular Landless Youth and Enviromental Protectioin in Lake Hawasa Catchments Program(CSSP).
3)Secured Access and Sustainable Land Management Project.
4)Loka Abaya agro Forestry Based Livelihood Improvement and Climate Change Adaptation Pilot Project.
5)Pilotting REDD+ in the Bale Eco-Regional level Institutional Capacity for Natural Resource Governance.
6)Capacity Building and Improving Governance Of Herders Organizations Project
7)Towards Resilence and Diversify Economy Project.
8)Loka Abaya Degraded Community Water Rehabilitation and Forest Restoration Project.
9)Engendering Social Accountability Project(ESAP2).
10)Pastoralist Area Resilence Improvement and Market Expansion(PRIME)Project.
11)Supporting Resilience in Emergency-Prone Areas of Borena Zone,Oromia Region,Ethiopia.
12)Conservation of Biodiversity and Ecosystems functions and Improved Well-being of Highland and Lowland Communities within Bale Eco-region Project.
13)Buiilding Resilience and Adaptation to Climate Extremes and Disaster(BRACED)Project.
14)Improving Smallholder Livelihoods and Resilience in the SNNP Regional State Through Climate Smart Agricultural Economic Development Cluster I
15)Improving Smallholder Livelihoods and Resilience in the SNNP Regional State Through Climate Smart Agricultural Economic Development Cluster IV
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